Support Us

“The UK workplace is not a level playing field. Just 10% of people from lower socioeconomic backgrounds make it into higher skilled, managerial or professional occupations. And across the UK, people from a lower socioeconomic background are 28% less likely to hold management roles.”

 Accenture | A Fair Chance To Advance, 2022


If you’d like to help Socially Mobile diversify the leadership demographic of the public relations industry, one cohort at a time, there are three immediate ways in which you can help:

  1. Corporate sponsorship (£3k upwards per year)

  2. Sponsorship of places for others (£750 per person)

  3. Using Socially Mobile for your own PR and communication team’s personal development (£750 per person)

Supporting us enables us to scale our efforts, become sustainable for the future, and reduce the double disadvantages that many face.

Supporter badges are available to those sponsoring fully funded places for others or using Socially Mobile for their own team’s professional development needs.


For corporate sponsors, we commit to building a bespoke package that recognises and supports your own EDI and ESG efforts and promotes your contribution to the CIC in everything we do.  

To discuss any of these options, please contact the co-founders:

Sarah Waddington CBE:
07702 162704 /

Stephen Waddington:
07771 851407 /

“Social diversity should be a key mission across the whole of British society to ensure we make use of the talents of people from all backgrounds.”

Elitist Britain | 2019

Further opportunities

Every two years, we recruit new people to sit on our assessment panel and to join the team as examiners.

For more information or to express interest in these roles, please get in touch with our programme manager, Beth Thomas.

Together, we can create more opportunities for underrepresented individuals in our industry.

A heartfelt thank you

Socially Mobile was founded thanks to the generosity of our inaugural sponsors:

We are incredibly fortunate to be partnered by CIPR and PRCA, who provide a year’s membership for our fully funded graduates. The CIPR also covers the cost of its Chartered exam for each cohort’s Chief Examiner’s Award recipient.

All our alumni get to benefit from AMEC’s fantastic Certificate in Measurement and Evaluation, for which we’re extremely grateful.

Our thanks go to Guild who have generously provided a safe community space for our alumni from the outset and to We Are Resource for supplying branded notebooks for our students.

We are grateful for donations from the following individuals and organisations since our launch:

All Things IC, Amazon, Anna Korving Ltd, BHM, BT, Caitlin Plunkett-Reilly, CIPR Inside, Fight or Flight, Footprint PR, FTI Consulting, Grant Currie, Hannah Claffery, Hard Numbers, Intent Health, IPRovision, Joe Walton, Mark Pinsent, Milk & Honey, OVID Health, Pinstone, Prezly, Redefining Comms, Resonance Ltd, Richard Houghton, Sally Sykes, The PR Network, Vuelio and WHAM.

All monies raised cover our operational costs, including the salary of a part-time programme manager, with the surplus reinvested into Socially Mobile to ensure we can help more people with the latest knowledge and support.

If you’d like to make a donation, please do this via our fundraising page: or contact Beth Thomas to secure our bank details and make a transfer.

Many thanks.